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AI & Lending


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AI and Mortgage Processing - The Perfect Combo for Lenders?

The FinTech industry is experiencing significant growth in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). While AI and Machine Learning (ML) are already quite popular in banking, credit card and auto loan niches, the mortgage industry has just started reaping its benefits. In the next couple of years, particularly after the Covid-19 pandemic, we will experience an overwhelming presence of AI-based automation in likely every aspect of mortgage processing. In fact, it will become a common practice very soon.

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Technology is the answer for mortgage lenders during and after the COVID-19 crisis.

The FinTech industry is growing incredibly, and even the largest financial institutions have started employing automation in relevant cases. However, before the Covid-19 crisis, mortgage providers were ‘apparently’ not so inclined to pursue digitization. 

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Will lenders turn to technology providers after the COVID-19 crisis?

A recent report on CNBC found that mortgage rates are at record low levels, with some U.S. lenders offering an APR of 2.75% to 2.875% to their top customers. In fact, lower mortgage rates are helping a quicker recovery in the homebuyer market.

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